Galactic Archaeologist & NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at CU Boulder

 About Me

I am an NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow at CU Boulder. My research focuses on the origin of the elements, nucleosynthetic processes, and Galactic chemical evolution. I have primarily worked with large stellar spectroscopic survey data, such as APOGEE and GALAH, to decompose the prompt and delayed contributions to stars’ abundances. I am interested in comparing empirical and theoretical supernovae yields to refine our understanding of how core-collapse supernovae and Type-Ia supernovae enrich our Galaxy. I received my Ph.D. in Astronomy from Ohio State in 2022, where I worked with David Weinberg and Jennifer Johnson.


Beyond research, I am dedicated to fostering an equitable and inclusive STEM environment for all students and to making science accessible to the public. I am a co-chair of COINS, the Committee on INclusiveness in SDSS, and a Core Organizer for the Access Network. I am deeply interested in sharing my excitement for science with the public, especially through the planetarium.

Outside academia, I enjoy reading, cooking, and chasing a parrot and puppy around the apartment.

To learn more about my work, click here: